well, similar to my previous blog post, i need u guys to vote for a blogger that inspire me
and i did told her about me getting a blog post on voting for her and and i was thinking of forcing my friends to do so.
(and suddenly, i was thinking of doing something! damn, it's a good idea!! haha)
have u heard of adidas NEO?
well, it's a new line from adidas which cater more for the young hearts and more vibrant colours as well as more fun to wear
i my self, like the clothes as well, but maybe i set foot in one of the outlet next year
(this year, pokai to go window shopping also :( )
adidas NEO, pick some icon from part of the world to be their ambassador
there are 10 of them and one of them is a blogger that inspire me, Hanie Hidayah

well, i just cut short and straight to her blog
HERE she talks about adidas NEO
and HERE how to vote!
well, of u go now for the voting!!

matta-ne, minna-san~!
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