hey, Guys!
It's the latests Disney-Pixar Movie : UP
It's quite a cute and hillarious movie though.
I laugh quite a lot when i watch this.
I watch this movie at a cinema near my house.
I went there with my friend Atilia and Hayati.
But Atilia brougt along her bf & friend.
ok2 about the movie.....
Well,it's a about this one guy.. who eventually becomes older ( i mean an old man) when this story began. Well this guy was a fan of an explorer. One day he meet with this one girl who a fan of the explorer too. This girl have this dream of going to Paradise Falls, where the explorer had gone to find a rare bird, the explorer had promised that he will not come back until he had caught the bird and bring it back to the society.
As the couple grew older, they didn't went to Paradise Falls. Until the wife(who is the girl before) died. But this old man had this crazy idea of flying his house with THOUSANDS of balloons! Well, the house did fly high! But there's this boy who did manage to get on board too!
The 2 set up a journey to Paradise Falls. And there's all the conflict started.
It's suitable for a family movie. kids will understand perfectly well. Because when i was watching this in the cinema there's this one little kid keep talking about the movie which indicates he understand the movie. It's really a nice movie.
Well, thats all from me now!
matta-ne minna-san!