A 14th century Crusader returns to a homeland devastated by the Black Plague. A beleaguered church, deeming sorcery the culprit of the plague, commands the two knights to transport an accused witch to a remote abbey, where monks will perform a ritual in hopes of ending the pestilence. A priest, a grieving knight, a disgraced itinerant and a headstrong youth who can only dream of becoming a knight join a mission troubled by mythically hostile wilderness and fierce contention over the fate of the girl. When the embattled party arrives at the abbey, a horrific discovery jeopardises the knight's pledge to ensure the girl fair treatment, and pits them against an inexplicably powerful and destructive force. Written by Momentum Pictures14th-century knights transport a suspected witch to a monastery, where monks deduce her powers could be the source of the Black Plague.

i just drive up to the cinema and we watch this
well, the movie was ok
just like the typical movie, like the usual plot u can guess from this kind of movie
thank god the casts were amazing
they're acting can't be deny
when you got the former Hell Boy team up with Nicholas Cage, they will be really busted up the bad guys
if you are bored or just like this kindda movie, go on and watch it, kindda worth the money if you feel that way
for me, its was my hunny who wants to watch it, so i just give a go
and it turn to be fine
photo: Google Image
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